Neuromuscular Re-education and Nervous System focused sessions

with the Neubie

The Neubie® is an FDA approved direct current (DC) electrical stimulation device. As part of the NeuFit® Treatment System, it can provide a faster and more powerful form of neuromuscular re-education, improve mobility, and reduce pain. Overall, this approach has been shown to lead to better overall outcomes for patients recovering from injury, surgery, chronic pain, or neurological challenges. Using DC has several unique effects, including promoting and optimizing the healing of tissue, bone, muscle, connective tissue, and nerves. This is achieved through the activation of the nervous system and all of the healing processes it controls.

This process of healing and rehabilitation, focuses on first identifying the “blocks” in the nervous system, and then resetting and re-educating those blocked or broken neural pathways, and then finally breaking through to achieving results better, faster, and stronger than before.

Postural Integration with Foundation Training

Foundation Training is a safe and effective exercise program that can compliment and improve any fitness routine.  It utilizes specific movements that strengthen the posterior chain of muscles, which are often weak from our modern lifestyles.  These simple, but transformational poses were designed to get you out of back pain, to correct postural  imbalances, and to make you truly stronger.

FT sessions include a pre-session intake, from which I will develop a unique program for your needs. Each session will include demos, training, and a review of poses we covered, as well as a follow email summary + homework to work on before our next session. You also have unlimited (9-5 M-F) access to ask me questions during your program.

Massage Therapy

New Leaf Lifestyle provides an integrative approach to massage therapy. Following a brief consultation and postural evaluation, an individualized session is designed to create optimal freedom and correct alignment in your body, while relaxing your mind. Your session may include the following techniques:

Swedish – Long, slow superficial strokes relax the mind and body, allowing for deeper work in needed areas.

Deep Tissue – Focusing on the deeper layers of muscle tissue, this technique releases the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep pressure.  Trigger points in muscles may also be addressed.

Sports – Stretches and deeper techniques reduce muscle soreness and allow for rapid recovery from injury. Additionally, friction movements may reduce muscle adhesions and scar tissue formation in soft tissue.

Myofascial Work – Myofascial Release involves applying gentle sustained pressure into connective tissue restrictions, to eliminate pain and restore motion.